Page name: We Love Battlefield [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-10-09 21:05:39
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We Love [Big Brother]!


This is a wiki for all of us that just love [Big Brother] this much!

Members! (Girls)

1) [RabidSphinx] i luv my battle-boi buddy!!
2) [Sunrose]....obviously...
3) [Alucardracula]...i belong to him...
13) [Anvikit]- Der Sexah mmm Snuggles and Licks! *slurp*
5) [MarieFair]-*glomps*
6) [The girl of your dreams] awesome.
7) [Gc Screamer666] whoot!
8) [*ArmyGirl*]
9) [tequila twist] WooHooT! I figured you out!!! ^_*
10) [GothicProphet] woot woot!!
11)[Beloved Promise]
12) [Death is my friend]
13B) [Lycan]
14) [no idea]
15) [xoxshellxox]U Know We All Love you, Ur The Best Eva Lv Ya Loads
16) [Angela Scene] i love you jon
17) [I AM WILLIAM HUNG]- battlefield is hot
18) [Ellyn] - [Big Brother] rocks my whole sock drawer!!!! What more can I say?
19) [StarDance] - you rock and helped me out when i first joined!!!
20) [Solitiaum]
21) [~altopia~]-So many adoring fans...It's a virtual 'Battlefield just to get near him.*sighs*
22) [Serephim] Just because i can i love him as a friend...
23)[Morfeaohtarawen] because he does so much
24) [Dead Girl]- [Big Brother] love to play with the handcuffs ;)
25)[Uncle Kracker's Wife]your hott Battlefield!!!
26)[DenDen] monkey lovers unite! O.o I suppose XD
27)[ded.] saw something you weren't supposed to see battlefield!
28) [Asrun] Wheee! Canadian pride. <3
29) [*Babygurl*] he's a cool guy!!! we try to have something to talk about :)
30) [Nevermore.]..he rocks my socks! great guy ;)
31) [Dirty Lil Juggalette] HE IS SO HOT!!!
32) [FireGypsy] *drools*
33) [Miya] Also saw something of mine you werent supposed to! lol ^_^
34) [vampiric assassin, Tararith] I love you, you damn sexy beast!!!!
35) [kittykittykitty] Mmmmmmmm ^_^
36) [Wendy]
37) [Bookwyrm] Mwuahaha I've found you!!
38) [FireGypsy] He is my Hubby! Back off everyone or ill kill you! *hugs [Big Brother]*
39) [Nytefox]
40) [Midori] *Licks Jon's Face* Merrow!
41) [DragonicTunes] You're awesome? o.0 Yeah, sorry, lame comment compared to everybody else, lol
43) [trinityfairy] I LOVE Jon! :D he's my favorite

Members! ( a non gay friendship kinda way)

1) [Big Brother] i love myself lmao
2) [Jotun] in a friendship way. just friends =)
3) [Solarwing] Friends, ya just friends
4) [baby_gurl_420] yay im a guy lol i love you muhahahahaha now im in ur fan club as a guy
5) [Ihsahn] your awesome, yeah man keep digging ;)
6) [Dwemer] Great forgiver, writer and mate :)
7) [Stephen] Well, I hope nothing gay is happening.. You're a great guy! Bravo!
8) [Orestez] Music is life
9) [BlindGuardian] --> Sorry, I had to add myself here ^_^
10) [The Voice of Difference] For those, easily indulged...
11) [Dr Optimist] Oh well his job is more boring than mine so he must be nifty ^_~


Jon is being evil again!!!!

OMG Pretty Kitty Battlefield! Cause he would make such a cute kitty boi!..
*hugs and licks* Fantart by [Anvikit]


<img300*0:stuff/we%20love%20battlefield.jpg>(By [~altopia~]

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2005-01-18 [RabidSphinx]: woot! now to gather members!!

2005-01-18 [Sunrose]: wh00t!

2005-01-18 [Big Brother]: i love you guys!!!! thank you soo much.

2005-01-18 [Sunrose]: You look dangerous on that pic; are you gonna hurt me?

2005-01-18 [RabidSphinx]: if you don't give him lots of huggles he will...hehehe

2005-01-18 [Sunrose]: :O!

2005-01-18 [Big Brother]: ya, you better listen to her!!! lots of hugs!! now!!!

2005-01-18 [Sunrose]: *huggles*

2005-01-18 [Big Brother]: and now me no hurts you XD *hugs back*

2005-01-18 [Sunrose]: YAY! :D

2005-01-18 [Big Brother]: i know annie will join but i think you'll have trouble getting others to.

2005-01-18 [RabidSphinx]: haw...i will find all the peolle that love you and they will join

2005-01-18 [Big Brother]: this shall be interesting

2005-01-18 [Sunrose]: :D

2005-01-29 [x_Die.Romantic.]: i wanna join

2005-01-29 [RabidSphinx]: then join! woot!

2005-01-29 [x_Die.Romantic.]: lol

2005-01-29 [x_Die.Romantic.]: battle you are damn sexy

2005-01-29 [RabidSphinx]: i second that!

2005-01-29 [x_Die.Romantic.]: i third my own comment

2005-01-30 [Big Brother]: not sure what you see but thanx

2005-02-01 [x_Die.Romantic.]: lol ur a hott babe

2005-02-02 [Big Brother]: then why are there only 3 members here? ya that's what i thought.

2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: more than me...i don't even *have* a love you win...(^_^)

2005-02-02 [Big Brother]: i'm just a computer nerd lol. and not what you call well liked here.

2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: i'm hated whereever i go...even here...i had to empty out my house of all opinions because of it

2005-02-02 [Big Brother]: i never express my feelings openly, look at my house. some pics, a few links and my profile crap that cost me $25 for a stupid class.

2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: i'm used to being me, and being open, and just, i don't know, i feel empty, and inpersonal, and just like every other person on this site...with their crappy little paragraph about themelves that says nothing about them....i feel like i have just lost the battle and have become a nobody again...

2005-02-02 [Big Brother]: i know the feeling

2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: i hate me...and i don't think i will be on here again....or anywhere again after tonight

2005-02-02 [Big Brother]: really? your leaving me?

2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: not just you...everyone...nice long long long more pain there

2005-02-02 [Big Brother]: but still, your leaving me

2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: i'm sorry...*hugs* death suits me best anyways

2005-02-02 [Big Brother]: but, but...........*crys*

2005-02-02 [RabidSphinx]: *cries*

2005-02-02 [x_Die.Romantic.]: ill make a love wiki for raine

2005-02-02 [Big Brother]: wiki's solve everything

2005-02-02 [x_Die.Romantic.]: i love raine

2005-02-02 [Big Brother]: i thought you loved me *cries*

2005-02-02 [x_Die.Romantic.]: i love you too

2005-02-02 [Big Brother]: yay,.......but then your cheating on me......with Raine

2005-02-02 [x_Die.Romantic.]: but surely im allowed to love you and....erm......ok *huggles you anyway*

2005-02-07 [Big Brother]: yay, 14 members now lol

2005-02-07 [RabidSphinx]: woot! you sexy beast!!

2005-02-07 [Big Brother]: did you see my new pics. a whole bunch of pointless ones for no reason. battlefield

2005-02-07 [RabidSphinx]: ahhh! you have nohair! lol...i love it

2005-02-07 [Big Brother]: yes......but we already knew i had no hair lol

2005-02-07 [RabidSphinx]: is just very aparent in those pictures is

2005-02-07 [Big Brother]: ya it was freshly shaved at that point lol

2005-02-07 [RabidSphinx]: mu hair was cut today...i did it myself...because i'm too poor to get it done out

2005-02-07 [Big Brother]: i cut my own hair. can you tell?

2005-02-07 [RabidSphinx]: lol...if i shaved my head, i would probably cut my ears off

2005-02-07 [Big Brother]: i let someone else shave my head once and it made me bleed......never again :S  anyhow it's my bedtime lol good night

2005-02-07 [RabidSphinx]: i shave my brother's head for him...and i will talk to you agtain when i can...i miss having my own internet

2005-02-08 [Big Brother]: .............i think there should be more members lol. now i'm getting self centered lol. but hey i guess i am lucky enough to have 4 ppl. that like me.

2005-02-08 [lonely girl 69]: hehe well i love him too...

2005-02-08 [Big Brother]: and then why is your name not on that list!! *points up*

2005-02-10 [RabidSphinx]: woot! 6 members!!!!

2005-02-10 [Big Brother]: ya. but still not very many

2005-02-10 [RabidSphinx]: we are all worth 100 people though

2005-02-10 [Big Brother]: so your saying you all have multiple personalities??

2005-02-10 [RabidSphinx]: i know i have at least 3...but what i was saying is we are worth more than just one member...we are that great...(^_^)

2005-02-10 [Big Brother]: oh, i see your logic here..........but it's still only 6

2005-02-10 [RabidSphinx]: you mean 600...(^_-)

2005-02-10 [Big Brother]: is your 0 key stuck??

2005-02-10 [RabidSphinx]: nope

2005-02-10 [Big Brother]: well whenever you press a number 0 comes up right after it twice

2005-02-10 [RabidSphinx]: lol...stop putting yorself down for having 6 awesome members...i have quit your bitching woman! lol

2005-02-10 [Big Brother]: ...fine, but only cause you called me a woman....that was a low blow to the ego *cries*

2005-02-10 [RabidSphinx]: hahaha! i call all my guy friend's woman...they then call me a man...then i fake cry and tell them that it isn't fair to make fun of me because of my

2005-02-10 [Big Brother]: ya but i didn't have a sex change :P

2005-02-10 [RabidSphinx]: hahaha! i was a man once...and 2 more surgeries i will be a legal woman...(^_-)

2005-02-10 [Big Brother]: can i give you a test run when your a legal woman? ;)

2005-02-10 [RabidSphinx]: hahaha! maybe...(^_-)...can't wait to get the boob surgery! (^_^)

2005-02-10 [Big Brother]: looks like it's already done

2005-02-10 [RabidSphinx]: no, those are from taking female hormones...they can creat small breasts on a male...but i need the surgery to get implants to have any real breasts to pass for a woman

2005-02-10 [Big Brother]: but you do got real ones

2005-02-10 [RabidSphinx]: no, i don't...but i will soon enough

2005-02-10 [Big Brother]: ....if you say so

2005-02-10 [RabidSphinx]: right now i have a lack of boobs... <image taken down bt RD> see? notice how i'm the only one in the picture without boobs? (i'm in the middle...the kitty)

2005-02-10 [Big Brother]: that's cause of the angle

2005-02-10 [RabidSphinx]: no...emma and i are at the same angle, and she has boobs, and sunrose bunny has boobs, *everyone* has boobs in that picture but me...i don't even have a bump

2005-02-10 [Big Brother]: but that isn't really you now is it?

2005-02-10 [RabidSphinx]: it is based off an image of myself...only i made myself a lot thinner in the drawing

2005-02-10 [Big Brother]: well that picture is lying

2005-02-10 [RabidSphinx]: yeah, it is...i'm really not that thin

2005-02-10 [Big Brother]: ......i give up on you.

2005-02-10 [RabidSphinx]: i have almost given up on myself...if i don't lose weight soon, i will give up completely

2005-02-10 [Big Brother]: yes, give up. you are way too thin. it's almost sickly thin

2005-02-10 [RabidSphinx]: way to thin? i am still borderline over weight....what on earth are you talking about? it isn't just me, it is doctors and BMI and fat % tests...i *am* fat and medical professionals can prove it

2005-02-10 [Big Brother]: those tests are not accorate.

2005-02-10 [RabidSphinx]: fat tests fat percentage is over, and my BMI is over...those together prove conclusively that i AM OVER WEIGHT

2005-02-10 [Big Brother]: whatever, i'm not going to go though this anymore, we always do it.

2005-02-10 [Big Brother]: hey my evil pic lol, nice caption.

2005-02-10 [RabidSphinx]: i thought it was funny...*evil giggle* i have that look on my face sometimes....

2005-02-10 [Big Brother]: .......i was actually looking at my candel lol

2005-02-10 [RabidSphinx]: i usually look like that when i'm joking either

2005-02-10 [Big Brother]: ......have you noticed how you are the only one who says stuff here, how sad for me

2005-02-10 [RabidSphinx]: well, no one else that is a member here, is currently logged i am the only one with the *option* of talking here...

2005-02-10 [Big Brother]: not just tonight, i mean in general, and the latest member is on

2005-02-10 [RabidSphinx]: well, sunrose, and anvikit are often busy...and xxnatxx talks on here often

2005-02-10 [Big Brother]: ya, i know bout them, i mean the others lol.

2005-02-10 [RabidSphinx]: *smooch*

2005-02-10 [Big Brother]: *really big smile* but that doesn't change the fact others aren't commenting here.

2005-02-10 [RabidSphinx]: *smooches harder* well, you get what you get, and you have a lot of guy friends that are too pansy to join here...maybe there would be more talking if they were here

2005-02-10 [Big Brother]: ........i'm not sure i was guys to join a wiki called we love battlefield.....i'm not gay.

2005-02-10 [RabidSphinx]: we love you in a friend way...or at least i them to stop being pussies and leave a message like, "jon is my chap" or "i love him in a stricktly hetero sort of way..."lol

2005-02-10 [Big Brother]: ....ya that would be fine.....but maybe a second list labled like that.

2005-02-10 [RabidSphinx]: hahah, for could do's your wiki you

2005-02-10 [Big Brother]: it says you are the it's YOUR wiki, plus you made it for me. i'm just here cause it's bout me

2005-02-10 [RabidSphinx]: lol...fair enough, as owner, i give you permission to do whatever yo want to this wiki except destroy it

2005-02-10 [RabidSphinx]: hahaha! way to be am soooo tempted now to make an "anti gay" wiki at the moement...called I Hate Gays...

2005-02-10 [Big Brother]: if that's what floats your boat.

2005-02-10 [Big Brother]: ...and i stole wiki ownership cause i can.

2005-02-10 [RabidSphinx]: i'm just i am being yelled at by my parents to go to bed...(>.<)

2005-02-10 [Big Brother]: bed sounds good to me right now

2005-02-10 [Sunrose]: who placed the second image? :D

2005-02-10 [Big Brother]: that would be Raine, but i think it's funny

2005-02-10 [Sunrose]: *^__^*

2005-02-11 [RabidSphinx]: *giggles*

2005-02-11 [Big Brother]: i am the only guy member lol ^_^

2005-02-11 [RabidSphinx]: we will bully your friends to join soon enough...(^_^)

2005-02-11 [Big Brother]: i only got like 3 guy friends lol.

2005-02-11 [RabidSphinx]: *shrugs* that's 3 new members we need to harras...(^_^)

2005-02-11 [Big Brother]: go though my friend list if you want and make them all join lol.

2005-02-11 [RabidSphinx]: hahah...i don't know where to see your friend's list

2005-02-11 [Big Brother]: go to my house then list the relations. it's one of the house options

2005-02-11 [RabidSphinx]: oh...*shrugs* alright....and do you know how to *end* relations with someone?

2005-02-11 [Big Brother]: go to the same place but in your own house.

2005-02-11 [RabidSphinx]: alrighty...thanks...(^_^)

2005-02-11 [Big Brother]: how did you not know that????

2005-02-11 [RabidSphinx]: i couldn't figure it out...

2005-02-11 [Big Brother]: well ya know now lol.

2005-02-11 [RabidSphinx]: yuppers

2005-02-17 [x_Die.Romantic.]: i love you battle

2005-03-09 [RabidSphinx]: bahahahaha! i love the pic anvikit! he is a sexy BEAST!

2005-03-09 [Anvikit]: Merow =^_^= .. *giggles*

2005-03-09 [RabidSphinx]: *giggles with you like school girls*

2005-03-09 [Big Brother]: not cool!!

2005-03-09 [Anvikit]: Awww you no like the pretty kitty? ..

2005-03-09 [Big Brother]: yes, but only cause you made it for me

2005-03-09 [RabidSphinx]: *giggles*

2005-03-11 [x_Die.Romantic.]: awwwww

2005-03-12 [Anvikit]: Schexy kitty schexy kitty , oh dont you wanna play, I promise I'll be nice, if only you would stay!

2005-03-12 [RabidSphinx]: lol

2005-03-12 [x_Die.Romantic.]: lol awwwww same here.....he mine.....MEH.......

2005-03-12 [RabidSphinx]: no, mine! i made this wiki and i'm the first member! MINE!!!

2005-03-12 [Big Brother]: calm down everyone, you all can share me ^_^ i really don't mind

2005-03-12 [RabidSphinx]: *huggles battle-boi tight*

2005-03-12 [Big Brother]: ^_^ i like this page

2005-03-12 [RabidSphinx]: glad i made it for you...(^_^)

2005-03-12 [Big Brother]: at first i didn't like it cause i didn't think anyone would join

2005-03-12 [RabidSphinx]: what silly talk! besides, you have more than duble the amount of members on my fan be happy...(^_^)

2005-03-12 [Big Brother]: there just being nice to get to my friend Maxwell House.....everyone want him!!!!

2005-03-12 [RabidSphinx]: LOL...i have Stalkers of RaineDrop...i guess they all stalk me or

2005-03-12 [Big Brother]: well i'm certenly not one of them!!! *starts to avoid eye contact.*

2005-03-12 [Big Brother]: O.o 4 new members and all at once!!! i suddenly just got very popular!!

2005-03-12 [RabidSphinx]: wow! awesome! go JON! *dances* and you're not a stlaker?

2005-03-12 [Big Brother]: ya, and i'm absolutely NOT sitting outside your house with a laptop watching you though the window on the lwft side of you house......second one back.

2005-03-12 [RabidSphinx]: (O.o) how the fuck did you know where i was in my house....*gets scared*

2005-03-12 [Big Brother]: i don't, cause i'm not out there.

2005-03-12 [RabidSphinx]: that was freaky though...*hides in a different room*

2005-03-12 [Big Brother]: *moves to a different window*

2005-03-12 [RabidSphinx]: damn*goes into room* you can't see me because of my black out curtains...(^_^)

2005-03-12 [Big Brother]: *hops though an open window and hides inside the house in an unknown location*

2005-03-12 [RabidSphinx]: (0_0)

2005-03-12 [Big Brother]: so, how you doing?? *big cheesy smile* i like your shirt

2005-03-12 [RabidSphinx]: i like my shirt's new...(^_^) got it on clearance...otherwise i coudn't afford it...(^_^") i hate being poor so much...and i just made myself some chicken noodle soup but don't want to eat it... :/

2005-03-12 [Big Brother]: at least you have money for cloths. i can bearly afford food lol.

2005-03-12 [RabidSphinx]: well, we live paycheck to paycheck...but i was running out of, you know, clothing...all my stuff is so old and worn that it's all falling, my boots, are held together with 3 different kinds of tape, and a bungie-cord...(>_<)

2005-03-12 [Big Brother]: i'm on the college diet, eat anything you can find!!! i probibly will not be able to eat anything more than bread and peanut butter for the last week of this month.....and that's if i can afford bread

2005-03-12 [RabidSphinx]: well, i don't eat anyways, so that works for me...(^_^)

2005-03-12 [Big Brother]: as long as i have my coffee i'm good to go.

2005-03-12 [RabidSphinx]: i can't drink coffee, it makes me very ill

2005-03-12 [Big Brother]: it makes me (0.0) and that is better than (o.o)

2005-03-12 [RabidSphinx]: HAHAHA...

2005-03-14 [RabidSphinx]: wow your fan club really aint that small...(^_^)

2005-03-14 [Big Brother]: not anymore ^_^ but it was

2005-03-14 [RabidSphinx]: it's bigger than mine you popular beast...(^_^)

2005-03-14 [Big Brother]: lol, i don't really like the idea of being popular. i think they are sucking up because i have pretty colors in my house ^_^ lol

2005-03-14 [RabidSphinx]: lol LIES...they would suck up to hedda if THAT were are just that damn sexy (or in the guy members casses)^_^)

2005-03-14 [Big Brother]: true......i'm still not sexy, and not going to be till you admit your hot

2005-03-14 [RabidSphinx]: won't win this way either....i'm not hot

2005-03-14 [Big Brother]: i'm not sexy :P

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